Empiraa features

Power your strategy with one flexible platform

Full screen view of the Empiraa platform showing the progress of the strategy

Bring your strategy to life and keep accountable to your plans. It’s time to live your ambitions instead of just dreaming about them.

Empiraa closes the gap between your planning and execution

Too often business strategies are left as vague intentions in the mind of your leadership or stuck on static documents no one can ever find.

Empiraa keeps you and your business accountable to your plans. It's time to reach your goals and make your business better with Empiraa.

A screen showing progress bars in Empiraa

Step 1 Build

Our 7 step plan setup has been designed to simply and quickly run you through building out your strategy in the platform

Plan setup in Empiraa is a simple 7 step process

Put in your basic details and use our white labelling feature to brand your strategy. Then craft your vision statement and core values to reflect your identity as a business. These are your guiding principles and bigger picture destination you aspire to get to.

Choose your topline organizational goals. These make up the driving force of your strategy and where you want your business to go. They should be long-term and focus around the core elements of your business.

The power of Empiraa is the ability to break down your big goals into smaller, more achievable objectives. Build out a comprehensive plan on how you are going to reach your goals by setting some key KPIs and OKRs you need to reach them.

Step 2 Collaborate

Your strategy is as powerful as the team behind it. Empower your people with their own objectives that contribute to the broader business goals. Create a culture of transparency and accountability where everyone is on the same page.

Screenshot of Empiraa showing the delegating of objectives to different team members and the chat functionality

Share the load of reaching your goals and unite your people around a shared purpose and vision. Empiraa brings all your people in on the plan creating greater transparency and having a positive effect on company culture.

Break down your organizational goals into objectives that you can assign teams and individuals. This empowers your people with their own goals that are contributing to the businesses success.

Use our in app message function to chat with the team and leave reminders about the objectives you are working on. This keeps communication streamlined and out of your cluttered inbox.

Step 3 Monitor

The dashboards in Empiraa give you complete oversight on how you’re tracking towards your goals. With one glance you can see exactly how you're tracking and what areas need improvement.

A screenshot of the Empiraa platform showing the myHub dashboard

The myHub dashboard gives you a number of views to see how you are tracking against your assigned objectives, how your team is tracking and how the whole organization is moving towards it's goals.

The simple traffic light system used on the progress bars make identifying the top performing objectives easy, as well as recognising which ones are falling behind.

Integrating your regular platforms like Asana, Xero, Hubspot etc. with Empiraa means you can pull data in to your plan and create a dynamic and up to date plan that is your single source of truth.

Step 4 Adapt

Pivot and adapt quickly to challenges that present themselves. With your flexible plan you can see issues coming and address them head on.

A large screenshot of the Empiraa platform showing how simple it is to build out objectives and adapt your plan

After monitoring your plan and progress closely you will be ready to pivot and adapt at a moments notice. As markets and situations change your strategy needs to change with it. The best performing plans are the ones that can pivot quickly, so keep an eye out and adjust when necessary.

It is quick and simple to edit existing objectives and adjust the goal posts to better suite your business and the current environment. Maybe your objective target got hit in the first month. Simply jump in and bump up the target to be a bit more challenging.

Do you have a new organizational goal you want to roll out? Easy! Just build a fresh goal and some new objectives underneath it, delegate those out to the necessary people who will be notified of the changes immediately. It's that quick to get new ideas off and running!

But wait... there's more!

App Integrations
AI strategy tools
Chat function
White Labelling
Multiple measurement frameworks
Implementation service
Centralized plan management
Customizable goal setting
Cross-functional team alignment
Accessible pricing
Real-time data

Integrate Empiraa to work with your favorite platforms

Reduce the double-handling of data and connect Empiraa to 5000+ apps

Designed for businesses of all shapes and sizes

1,000+ professional businesses of all types — startups, small-medium, consultants, advisors, franchises — trust Empiraa as their strategy execution tool. Get time back in your day to focus on what really matters!

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Empiraa is so much better